Integrated GPUs?
Are there any integrated GPUs on the market that can reasonably take the place of/supercede lower-end GPUs? Obviously it would make sense that having a dedicated unit in order to do the graphical processing would be immensely better and thus it would most likely blow anything integrated out of the park but are there any that can even begin to match low-end GPUs?

Yeah, I think you should have no trouble finding a few. Pretty sure this is actually common on certain laptops these days. What will you be doing with your GPU?

Are you talking for a laptop or a desktop?

As kidrs said, it really depends what the plan is for the gpu. If youre browsing the web, watching videos, or doing workstation stuff, the integrated graphics in newer intels will be enough but you wont be able to play much on it. Userbenchmark rates the uhd 630 in the 9th gen intels as 500% worse than a gtx 670 (~2012), rough estimate. If you plan to game, the answer is hard no for a desktop. They do exist for laptops but the cpu theyre integrated to are usually a special chipset that wont fit in a desktop mobo.

I’m not gonna lie, if you can I would avoid an integrated GPU if possible

Actually its possible, there is a lot, but anyway avoiding it is a better idea thoBig Grin Specially because integrated ones lack of vram.

Ya, agree right the above about avoiding integrated gpu’s at all costs.

Not really...
You'll always have some heat distribution issues that make integrated gpu less efficient