Is Black Panther over rated?
I dont want to take away from its significance to a race of people i know the film had a massive impact and everyone should be able to see themselves represented in a hero in these marvel films or films in general. Im talking about the film as a viewing experience. i really enjoyed it when i saw it in the theatre, however i recently rewatched it at home and i found outside the big action scenes i was bored out of my mind and actually had more fun watching thor dark world which was previoulsy my least fave marvel film.

So the question is, taking away its cultural impact, is Black panther a good film?

I didnt like it on release, dont like the character in the books more a luke cage guy

i never liked it, prefer the ensemble films

I know of exactly one person that liked the film. It didn't seem interesting to me, so I didn't watch it.

I didn't like the movie, the CGI was bad, but it spoke to BLM and other stuff, nationalism, culturalism, etc, so therefore it did well.

All marvel universe movies are overrated.
Black Panther in particular tried to pretend it's more than it was through shameless racebaiting.


IMO killmonger was the only good thing about that movie

Solid movie but it just went way downhill towards the end when everything was in Wakanda. Killmonger was the best character.

Pretty much every recent Marvel movie is overrated. Its all hyped up by little kids.

I liked it. Better than the average of Marvel movies.

Still think WS and IW are the best though

This is true

I absolutely think it's overrated. It's alright at best, and I think the black community deserved a better film to fill the role that it did. I guess it's a good thing that it didn't really seem to matter, but I can't help but think damn near every white person that praised it as one of the greatest films ever made just didn't want to look racist or wanted, to get brownie points from the black community, or felt like they were a good person for liking it. But, I guess it did its job. It is what it is, but it ain't what it ain't.

yes, for me it wasnt that amazing

Sometimes the story looks pretty 0815