Is WWE a sport??
Is wwe a sport? i know the results are predetrmined in the matches. however the wrestlers are atheletes and basically gymnasts and body builders, both of those are categorized as sports.

Does the fact the results are pre determined nulify it as a sport? or does the work the performers do make it a sport no matter the outcome?

according to cambridge dictionary, a sport is a game, competition, or activity, needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules for enjoyment and/or as a job
so, yes it is sport

I would say it's more of a story telling event rather than a sport

theatre with powerbombs haha

fake or not it still needs a ton of prep and training, so yes i would say it is a sport
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is acting a sport...  Shy

WWE is advertised as sports entertainment. I think it takes alot of athletic ability and countless hours of training to be a WWE superstar. Sport...maybe not but you can't deny their atheisms.

re: dictionary definition about being done according to rules, I must have missed the parts about folding chairs and coercing the referees in the rules of WWE Big Grin def not a sport

It sold as sport but in reality a entertainment since there are no fair advantage since the outcome is already decided before the bell is even rung

It's a sport like Broadway or cirque du Soleil is a sport

Can you bet on it? If so then why not.