Is a family vacation actually a vacation?
So question to the group is a vacation to visit family actually a vacation? Personally I feel a bit anxious when visiting family since I can't fully relax and let loose. 


i think it falls under vacaction but maybe not a good vacation

[+] 1 user Likes fiboh23932's post
That makes sense. Like there's a spectrum to vacation and family vacays are on the low end vs all inclusive honeymoon on the high end.

>Personally I feel a bit anxious when visiting family since I can't fully relax and let loose.
Same. You have to be on your best behavior. Or you'll end up babysitting the little kids so the parents can attempt to get it on while on the haunted house ride at Disneyland.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Depends on who your family is. If we go with my wifes family i have a great time. my family however...

I enjoy vacation with my family every time!

It's not a legitimate vacation honestly.

If it makes you feel anxious I’d say it’s not a vacation lol but if you can still have fun w family then it can still count.

Just vacay by yourself, that's always nice.

I think I should have clarified that by family I meant extended family (ie siblings, parents, aunts, etc). My immediate family and I generally have a great time. But you guys have some valid points.

a vacation is a vacation just might not be the best or ideal one in some cases

>I think I should have clarified that by family I meant extended family
That's a whole different set of problems. Same level of suck, though.

Only if you like your family Smile

I think depends where they live and what you do while you are there

[+] 1 user Likes 9vrode's post
You make a good point 9vrode. Like in my case with extended family being somewhere that you can go out and do you own thing for a bit is a must.

i miss them now, yes

>i miss them now, yes
You don't see your family much?

Family vacation is a vacation unless your family sucks balls