Is golf the least athletic sport?
Considering in golf the movements are not super high intensity and players are usually just walking around or driven around in a golf cart... Also seeing how a 51 year old athlete ( Phil Mickelson) is still amongst the very top in the sport... It's gotta be the least athletic sport on the planet right...?

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Absolutely. Takes no athleticism at all

I'm not sure if it's number one on the least athletic sport list, but it's definitely up there...

There's still archery, skeet shooting, and billiards....

Probably Chess...

Golf is a sport of eye-hand coordination, and that's about it. You sure as hell aren't running laps to get in shape for it. But it somehow keeps Boomers happy, even if they break their favorite clubs because they can't send a ball where they want.

Least athletic yes

Darts anyone? Or snooker maybe?

Would be better if they trained smarter

Croquet might be even less athletic than golf lol

Golf is a game of accuracy. But it still needs athleticism to get 300 yard drives like the top players do