Is it right to study form C to JAVA?
Hi guys!

A friend who is good at programming recommended learning form 'C' to 'JAVA'.

So I'm learning 'C'..

But I heard that 

'C++' is easier to program using 'object' that 'C' does not use.

Then I wondered if I could learn 'C++' from the beginning.

Do I really need to start with 'C' ??

C is a very important language, if you can handle C you can handy every program language out there. Also C++ is based on C and Java is based on C++. I would recommend learning C, C++ and then Java. They are all very similar, its just that you have to write less code in java and c++ in comparison with C.

gl and hf with programming.



If i can sugest u.. i will sugest to u start learning js...
Cause C its too far way from real world =/.
And i dont link java ;/. 
U basic rewrite a lot of thinks.

I think is waste of time learn C :/! Nobody need this. Is only pain...

[+] 2 users Like kogw5808's post
The answer to most questions like these is: it depends.
It is good to know functional programming, as such C is as good as a place to start as any. The early days of learning programming are mostly about getting concepts and computational thinking down. As such you could arguably start in any language that catches your eye, but the fewer features the base language has, the fewer concepts you need to learn at the same time.
If you already knew in which branch of the industry you want to work you could probably just pick an aligned language and be done with it. C is mostly used in embedded programming (microcontrollers, electronics, stuff with little memory) nowadays. C++ is probably legacy code. A lot of the "older" languages are by now. Java is still a highly sought out language and probably has the widest range of ability. C# is in the same boat as Java.
If you ever want to go into webdev, the language that you need to know is JavaScript (which is something fundamentally different from Java). On the backend you'll do well with Java (Spring Boot), Ruby (on Rails), Lisp (Elixir) or even JavaScript (Node.js).
The best think you can do early on in your career is to keep an open mind and use the tool fitting for the job. Be language agnostic.

I learned Java to C and I really wish I started with C. Java is much easier (in my opinion) than C

C++ is better for fundamentals, since you have to deal with memory management. But in prod, give me Java.

[+] 1 user Likes wannbergken's post
I think booqpood has given a nice summary of the languages and their usual applications.

I think it really depends on what your goals are and what you're trying to do. If you want to learn Java and another language to have a more rounded programming experience then C makes sense as it's a low-level language and has things like memory management which Java mainly handles automatically. If you want to learn something similar to Java or just want to pick up a single language then C++ might be the way to go (or maybe just straight to Java). C++ still has some of the low-level (low-level referring to the abstraction, not the difficulty) elements of C - You could even practice C-style programming in C++ by using older methods e.g 'malloc' for memory allocation (though generally that's not advised if you're using C++ as 'new' is better). As C++ is an object-oriented language it's more of a mid-level language than C and I find it can be a good first step to programming as you can work in both functional and object-oriented paradigms