Is it still worth learning HTML, CSS and Javascript today?
Some argued that now we use apps more frequently than websites.
This does harm to openness of information on Internet due to the isolation of data across different apps
But sad to say it just happens
I guess HTML might be the most accessible and beginner-friendly codes

You can also build apps that are written like a website. While it won't be the the most performant solutions, webapps are easy to develop and can be used on all platforms. I believe they are a valid starting point as a frontend developer. Programming skills aren't standalone, your acquired skills will help you learn new skills. As a beginner I would suggest to stick to the tools that can give you the results you want with the least friction. For developing frontends those tools are HTML, CSS and Javascript.

In the end what matters most is that you find joy in your work and don't feel overly frustrated and overwhelmed.