Is it worth to buy a a new gaming PC despite the scalpers?
I want to invest into a new gaming pc but it is impossible to find ryzen 5th gen and 3000 series rtx cards.
Is it still worth to buy older generation parts to game?

Put your PC together piece by piece, saving the video cards for last. Use Amazon or NewEgg, or your favorite company to buy parts from, and if they have an option for notify you when a card you want comes in, sign up for it. Make sure you buy from one of those companies directly, and not any of their resellers. It might take some time, but you'll score a deal, and you won't have to worry about any of the scalpers. It's all about patience and vigilience in watching for the parts you want.

Even the previous generation really holds up. A ryzen 3700 will still hold up now. Once the video cards are more available again, you can built a decent system with that.
It all depends on what you are going for in terms of performance. Like you can go for 100fps but it's not like 80+ is bad. Still a lot more than most older systems and consoles.

Just look at the comparison videos for cpu's and gpu's on youtube. Good luck and yeah like mentioned, be patient!

If you're looking to upgrade, I'd say wait until prices go down, which they should in a bit. You don't need 200fps on ultra on every game to enjoy them. I have a laptop with a 1650 and its powerful enough to even play vr games. What you can do is upgrade piece by piece, and keep your eyes open for a good deal on a good GPU.

I really hate what scalpers have done to PC gaming. I agree with the poster above me, just upgrade piece by piece and keep an eye out for GPUs on sale.

honestly wouldn't recommend it. Just doesn't seem like the smart move

I think it's worth it to wait a few weeks to see the effect of the LHR cards' release on the market (along with the 3070 and 3080ti).

I think it depends what you have currently, and your budget. If you can, waiting it out maybe the best move.

Would mostly depend on what your current hardware is. If your rig handles current games at a decent framerate and resolution, i'd wait for the next wave of GPUs to start coming out.

At this moment I don t see this as a good investment. Prices are too high

It is best to use old 10 series graphics cards or the upcoming ryzen 5 apu's until the price comes back to normal