Is travel in the northern hemisphere shutting down for the winter?
Given current world circumstances is travel going to get even more restricted over the winter months in the northern hemisphere?  Feels like options get smaller with each passing week.  Is travel over until summer 2021?

Looks like it right?

It should be until we have more of an understanding about the virus

dont relly see how it matters

I suspect that once covid takes off this fall, travel will be nearly nonexistent.

Very much depends where you are (aka which country's government you're under) and what scale you're talking about. Local travel within national borders is unrestricted pretty much everywhere. More locally, some regions may ask you to isolate upon arrival but they won't turn you back. International travel is still happening but the volume is very very low. Besides, most countries you could get to would ask you to isolate for a long period anyway, so unless you're traveling and plan to stay there's really no reason to go anywhere