The former SCOTUS justice was not very happy with kneeling during games...Couric edited out her thoughts on that...the focus is on Couric, but what about news editors and others in the process...very odd situation
Sauce please. I would love to see this! RBG was a crazy liberal, but the woman sometimes had some constitutionalist ideas. I had no idea she hated the kneeling.
>Plenty of times she tried. I said tried.
Are you talking about trying to get stories she made aired, or tried to give blowjobs?
>sorry, leak should say washington post, honestly it is googleable
I read it. Couric must've been pissed off at that. That was one of those times RBG was actually constitutional and sensible. She was definitely an interesting character. Too bad Katie Couric is an absolute hairy ass that doesn't wipe right or shower often, and one that sucks commie dick, at that.
olichan you always have intriguing things to say...why do you say she is hairy and doesn't wipe and things like this...general insult or something you read somewhere...?
olichan you always have intriguing things to say...why do you say she is hairy and doesn't wipe and things like this...general insult or something you read somewhere...?
Oh, just a general insult. I think it may show that I may have spent a bit too much time on /b/ and /pol/.
But back on topic: RBG was an interesting character. A total liberal. She advocated for lowering the Age of Consent to 12. But then, she would do Constitutional things like vote to apply the 8th Amendment to the States, and actually uphold the 1st Amendment. And she was best friends with Justice Scalia, her ideological opposite and Constitutionalist.