Live Action Remakes/Adaptation
How do you guys feel about the push for movies/TV shows doing live action remakes or adaptations? With Disney remaking its fairy tale cartoons, Netflix adaptation of Avatar and The Witcher, etc.

If done right it could be good, but a lot of times it doesn't have the same impact using a different media. Like Game of Thrones running into budgetary issues which lead to certain effects being pretty poor. Would it have fare better as an animation?

Im not really a big fan of live action adaptations. I find it difficult to disassociate the actor from the character theyre playing, especially if the actor is someone recognizable. Even when the casting is perfect (rdj/tony stark, obvious one), its hard to get immersed in a fictional world/story with normal people i recognize

I think it's nice when done well and you can tell the creators really cared about it. The Witcher I really liked

There are a LOT more BAD remakes out there than good ones though ...

Not a big fan of remakes in general. I was pleasantly surprised by Beauty and the Beast though.

The worst offender of this is anime adaptation, most of it just really really bad.