I want to discover new music and i would like your favorite music albums and the one's i need to hear before i die, my recommendation is: "ok, computer" by Radiohead

I will try to listen it

Dawg, you gotta listen to Random Access Memory from Daft Puno

Classic album. Assuming The Bends as well?!

Dark side of the moon by Pink Floyd is deffo one of the greatest albums of all time. I'd also 100% recommend My Dark Beautiful Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West, completely different from Pink Floyd but nonstop bangers.

[+] 1 user Likes Tjirbo Makton's post
If you're into hiphop then To Pimp a Butterfly is definitely an album you should listen to.

bruv anythin by aphex twin is wicked

Never Born, Never Dead by Trophy Scars. What a trip.

Sempiternal by Bring me the horizon 'u'

Somewhere In Time by Iron Maiden is one of my favorites

i love it 10/10

i will, i love DAMN.

The eminem show

You should definitely listen to Discovery from Daft punk and if possible watch the movie associated with it, interstella 5555

Too many to count.
Definitely something from the Doors

"nevermind" by nirvana

i think everyone must listen to 808's and heartbreak or My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy at least one time

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