Marvel vs DC 2021
Who do you think will come out on top in 2022

2022 will be a little underwhelming for Marvel film wise as DC has some sleepers on the way but Marvel always finds a way to come out on top. Plus they have Disney+ on their side and all that content so yeah.

I am not sure if this is asking about the comics or the movies or tv shows? Anyways, my two cents.
Animated movies, dc will win. They consistently release top notch stuff and push the boundaries of what cartoons show and can do. They are releasing soon a batman "choose your own adventure" animated movie for example.
Comics, Marvel will win. Dc has been working on taking that stick out of its bum and make its comics fun again but Marvel is still far ahead in that department. They consistently make fun comics that provide lots of fan service. They did an avengers team that was all proto avengers so like the first black panther, odin (thor hasnt been born yet), the first sorceror supreme, etc. Stuff with a good hook that makes people pick up the books.
Movies, Marvel will also win. They have handled their franchises better than dc and as long as disney doesnt water it down too much like they did with star wars then the movies should end up ahead.

You speak about comics or movies ?
Marvel will win in movies, it's certain, because for DC it's nearly dead, they will do in rebbot with flashpoint in 2022
In comics after Death Metal , Dc will return to pre new52 , bettre for the continuiti, and there is Future Stat which seem good

If they give me Daredevil Season 4 with the same atmosphere that Netflix produced I go full Marvel