Mc donalds or burger king ?
McDonalds forever

I prefer McDonalds over Burger King.

Rodeo king burger all day.

McDonalds much better

I feel like Burger Kings are so rare where I live. So, whenever I have their food, it tastes hella better lol

McDonalds all day.

always mcd for me

Mcdonalds over burger king for sure 100%

gotta have those mcdonalds n u g g e t s

MCDonalds all the way!

Nah go for wendys

Burgerking for sure.

Best Burgers IMO and way better than McDonalds 
(But the Ice in MD is very tasty and nice)

McDonalds for me

Def McDonald's.

Mcd since I tried quarter pounder like a mac... damn

I don't think anyone eats at burger king lmao. Mc Donalds is world renown tho.

McDonalds for sure

MCD > BK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lazer Wrote:What do you think about that ?

I wouldnt go to either but i used to work at mcdonalds and i saw them keep burgers past throw out times i saw some of things they did to rude customers and i have a thing about germs i have seen bad habits washing hands sneezing etc just no to both

Lazer Wrote:What do you think about that ?
Mcdonalds for me