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Mega [Resolved] Jake Droui did not deliver back up!

[Resolved] Jake Droui did not deliver back up!.

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I really didn't want to post this but it's been days since the mega link got taken down, I bought from him last month and i don't know why he's not delivering the new link for the collections. 

He told me that if the link got taken down, he will reup it and it's a same day fix, now he keep on blaming me for not importing it, it's a 10.95TB collections and it's really hard to import that kind of collections especially if it's in one link, I asked him to split it instead or share in my mega so i won't have to load it every time and i can import it easily but he doesn't want to do it.

I trusted his word before purchasing that if ever the link got taken down, he will reupload it and it's a same day fix, but it's been almost 5 days and i don't know if he 's just ignoring my request coz he doesn't give me an estimated date on when he's able to send the link. I really wanna be patient and wait, but it's just taking too long than usual.

By not sending me a new link or backup, means that he didn't deliver me what I paid for upon purchase, tho he kept on insisting that i got what i paid for and told that i was harassing him which i am not i just want a replacement of the link coz that is what i paid for as well i even asked this question before i even purchase from him.

Hello, I understand you're concern, you have bought from me on January 14th 41 days ago, which on that day I delivered. January 19th you inquired the link was taken down yet again, which then I replaced for you, on January 27th I had delivered for the 3rd time yet again with no issue, although this time you had explicitly told me you would save the Mega to you're personal account which I assumed you did since I had not heard from you in almost a month. I assumed we wouldn't have anymore problems although it seems you have neglected to import the link which is clearly neglectful to assume links with contents such as what's inside is going to be permanent which was clearly established after the 3rd time it got taken down, it is not permanent. Just be clear the 25$ 9TB~ collection you paid for was delivered two times, then I have given you the newest best collection out of good faith because until then everything was mostly smooth sailing.

On February 19th you have reached out once again asking for the collection, which I then told you to wait which you did but so did other customers wait for the Backup Link to be uploaded again. But my issue with the conversation I had with you was that it was escalating quickly to being very aggressive which I do not tolerate, I responded to you very promptly and with complete politeness as I treat all other customers, and in response you started telling me I run bad business, and arguing with me over a mega link being re-uploaded which is completely out my control. However on February 21st you messaged me from another account talking to me in the same mannerism asking me the same questions you previously asked on you're other account which no buyer would ask, then proceeded to ghost me from that account too. I've carefully checked out that infact it was you switching between accounts trying to get a different response, however I did answer you on that account saying that if this new account would buy link it'd be the Main Buyer link.

To answer you're comment relating the fact I did not deliver, which is untrue I will attach proof showing I did deliver 3 times and attach the files where you agreed to import/save it as I instructed you and which you didn't disagree with doing so. I have also attached the delivery's made of the older collections 25$, and the newer collection 75$. Which is a total of 100$ USD I have saved you out of good faith by not making you re-buying every time, with those savings it could've been put to a Mega subscription, which I am sure you can afford due to you being a fellow seller.

To address the fact I did indeed say I would replace it, I was more then willing to replace this collection for said user, if he would have been patient and waited. I am very patient but I have limits as a human being, and so does my mental health have limits. This user's constant arguing, impatient and constant remarks to replace it although I couldn't go any faster then mega would allow me.

Another concern you had was that I refused to split it into separate partitions, which I did and is clearly showed in the Folder I attached along with exactly what he received *DEAD LINKS BY NOW* therefore this remark is clearly not true.

Now with that being said, I am willing to offer you a 20$ ETH refund out of generosity, out of the 25$ of ETH you had paid on the 14th of January. Please attach you're ETH wallet down below and I will send it promptly. This refund is a one time gratuity I am willing to offer this buyer.

Another act of good faith is I made sure to keep you're I assume private Telegram confidential, throughout these screenshots. Although I will provide the full screenshots to any Admin/Moderator who reaches out for full evidence.

I hope you along with anyone else reading can look at this story with full perspective on both sides, and as a seller I strive to offer the best quality and customer support. I am always trying to go above and beyond to fulfill order's for any customer paying or not.

Attached Mega:

RE: Jake Droui did not deliver back up!.

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Just a chill guy helping out, please leave me a like or add me rep.  

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