Moment in gaming that blew your mind at the time
When FF7 came out not everyone had internet so Sephiroth killing Aeriths was something that was pretty mind blowing for my young mind at the time and super unexpected. Majoras Mask as a whole was pretty cool and mind blowing 
More recently Kami Ni Naru from NieR was pretty woah

[+] 1 user Likes Iamsnoopscousin's post
Mario 64, it blew me away how the game at the time was fully 3D.

[+] 1 user Likes Enders's post
Iamsnoopscousin Wrote:When FF7 came out not everyone had internet so Sephiroth killing Aeriths was something that was pretty mind blowing for my young mind at the time and super unexpected. Majoras Mask as a whole was pretty cool and mind blowing 
More recently Kami Ni Naru from NieR was pretty woah
When I first played GTA San Andreas it was such a new experience, really amazing game
Same applies for any Zelda game really

Ending of Bioshock Infinite

The single player of bf4 blew my mind

Mortal Kombat hit different as a kid dude

ghulaky123 Wrote:Ending of Bioshock Infinite
Definitely, 100%

The ending of the most recent DLC for the most recent Dragon Age title is one of the best twists I've ever seen and is my favorite moment in gaming history.

Hughmanbean Wrote:The ending of the most recent DLC for the most recent Dragon Age title is one of the best twists I've ever seen and is my favorite moment in gaming history.
Dragon age origins right?

Iamsnoopscousin Wrote:
Hughmanbean Wrote:The ending of the most recent DLC for the most recent Dragon Age title is one of the best twists I've ever seen and is my favorite moment in gaming history.
Dragon age origins right?
Nope, the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition

Hughmanbean Wrote:
Iamsnoopscousin Wrote:
Hughmanbean Wrote:The ending of the most recent DLC for the most recent Dragon Age title is one of the best twists I've ever seen and is my favorite moment in gaming history.
Dragon age origins right?
Nope, the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition
Seems like I'm a few years behind on dragon age titles ?

My first time playing the first halo and seeing the entire halo ring in space, while also being on the ring was insane


[+] 1 user Likes yopyopyop's post
I remember playing halo when I went to one of my cousins house. I always got the mad catz controller