Most underrated character in Naruto
what you think that is the most underrated or with wasted potential in Naruto my choice is Kimimaro, the guy beat up Gaara and Rock Lee, when he is in a TERMINAL state of sickness imagine Kimimaro in his prime i think that he have a so wasted potential.

I always liked Deidara, I thought his clay was cool along with his beautiful hand mouths. The guy loses arms like their baby teeth and he doesn’t seem to care when it happens, just a normal day of work lol. His suicide bomb is also fucking massive, Sasuke would’ve been fucked if he didn’t have his plot armor.

The ramen guy shoulf have his own redemption arc. We need some more backstory to him as well. It was he who formed naruto a bit, so why not give him what he deserve

Gotta be Guy. That guy is a monster 1 vs 1

I've always liked Iruka

I would have to say that the third hokage was incredibly underrated. For not having too much time in the show, he has many amazing feats such as holding back the nine tails, putting a stop to Orochimaru who was incredibly overpowered, and joining the other kage to seal the ten tails.