Movies that have not aged well
What's the one film you loved when you were younger, but upon watching recently realized that it's just not good?

I'll start - Dodgeball is not nearly as funny as I remember it being when I first saw it upon release.

Sure i will get some hate for this but Dumb and Dumber i watched again a little while ago and def thought it didnt hold up well, thought it was so funny when it came out but now just didnt hit right

100% agree with you on that one. On the flip side, I tried watching The Mask the other day and it totally holds up.

Spider-Man 3. Loved it as a kid but now that fucking cool peter parker scene just cracks me up to a point that i cant take the movie seriously anymore.

Yeah the 3rd one is laughably bad...


I still consider it a classic but I watched it again recently and idk, I didn't enjoy it as much as I did when I was a teen

Ace Ventura is still really funntz but the whole transphobia as part of the main plot thing really did not age well and made me cringe rewatching it

Suprised no one mentioned Cameron's Avatar yet.

I've heard that 1978's Grease has been getting cancelled lately.