MrBeast Vídeos are getting repetitive
This is Just my unpopular opinion, but recently i've noticed that The MrBeast formula is getting on my nerves, i have nothing against The Guy, he seems genuine and Very cool, but i feel like The vids are getting repetitive, like The way, that all happens so fast, and The scripted fan reactions

What is your opinion, is It Just me who thinks like this?

I agree, how does he get the money tho lmao

Agreed LOL he’s overrated and overpaid

It just the same shit every single time, but thats every youtube video to be honest

True boring ass videos

Well it is a hard concept to keep doing. Not really innovative

Yess. This. This is actually the first time i read someone not liking Mr. Beast. I dont know why, maybe because majority of his fans are children? Look at his comments, there aint nothing but praises. And i was like, huh? Well the video is cool and all but everyone praising him like he's a god and overreacting. And I used to like his videos to the point of subscribing. But yeah, now I'm unsubscribed bcs i realize his videos are so fake and scripted af. Plus HIS FRIENDS sometimes annoying. That's a youtube poster child right there

I used to watch his videos not long ago, liked the content and appresiate that he uses the money he somehow get and not just hoard it in a bank account somewhere(maybe he is doing it? i dunno) but yeah you can group many of his latest and not-so-latest videos in a single group and you woudnt miss much of the contents

yea got tired of him beggining of 2020

I feel like there's only so much family friendly content he can make

i could never actually get into him tbh and im still not sure why

Mans making bank.

They are very repetitive, but its a lot of peoples cup of tea i guess. it helps people a lot in the end, so i say no harm no foul