Multiplayer games with good communities?
It's sometimes a bit uncomfortable playing games with super vocally toxic communities especially when it comes to stuff like transphobia and what not, just wondering if there are any out there that are super chill that I can check out now that work schedule is pretty lax.

Definitely not CSGO haha, I recently got into it for the first time and god damn people be wilding on that game. I reckon destinys community was pretty good, made a lot of friends through that.

you should try L4D :v

Warframe has a pretty solid community imo, havent checked in there in a while tho.

Town of Salem's community is pretty chill and quite fun to interact with, for the most part.

If you manage to get into a good Destiny 2 clan, you can make some real friends for life there. Though, that would mean playing Destiny 2...Which is basically selling your soul to the devil.

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+1 for alpha bravos answer, Destiny 2 is a solid game, granted with some skeevy half assed f2p vs paid boundaries, but the playerbase in game is pretty great. Id recommend moreso for PvE vs PVP as the game is far more focused on the former. also avoid r/destinythegame until youve developed an opinion for yourself, it can get really salty.