New Hobbies?
Anyone developed new hobbies over the pandemic? Personally I got into Gunpla and is suffering the financial consequences  Shy

Not exactly a new hobby but I got back into drawing, something that I had not done since 2018, if that counts. Is Gunpla related to gundam plastic models? sounds like fun Big Grin

i guess doing chores lmao

Board games, a lot of board games. Finally figured out my way around monopoly lol

Daily fixed exercises and also try to learn a new language albeit quite slowly.

Guitar. Found one for pretty inexpensive and just put in the time and practice. It's really difficult to learn but so rewarding once you start to really get it.

just work and sleep on and on

I wanted to get into wood work, like carving and stuff, but the first time I tried, I didn't have the right tools and it was a mess. I was a little disappointed in myself and gave up. I want to give it another shot, but I've been so busy lately that I don't have time. A woodworking lathe would be awesome though

I’m really into darting now.

I started running. I like it

Started reading and so glad that I did

Started playing alot of chess