Oldest Multiplayer game you're still playing?
Whether it be PVP optional, strict multiplayer or something unique, what are ya still winning at son?

So far mines Bloodborne, BO2, Titanfall 2 and BF4

Battlefield 1942 still one of the more addicting games that I own

Sometimes I play Team Fortress2

Quake online Tongue

world of warcraft
absolutely oldest and greatest online rpg

Im still playing CS:GO , PUBG , LOL , Guardian Chronicle ( Steam / IOS ) , PAYDAY 2( PS4)
Easy feel tired than before . And I like play FullGuys with my friends together haha

god damn we out here with the classics

this thread is making me miss all the older and better games...

I still regularly play League and Civ V (although that's less of a multiplayer game)

Occasionally I play Team Fortress 2 or, and this is only with a friend, CS Source

Sometimes I get bored while intoxicated and pop in an old COD game. Then I remember very quickly why I stopped playing it.

loving the games here, I just redownloaded red alert 2/Yuris revenge, age of myth, command and conquer generals... feeling nostalgic for RTS games

Probably the oldest MP game I'm regularly playing is R6 Siege. I think I've got like 400 hours in it now.

starcraft 2 FTW

Killing floor 2 ?

Halo Reach is still a classic

Lineage 2 forever in my heart

I am still playing the original Starcraft from 98.

League, but i only play it when the homies are on.

I still play BO3 with the boys every now and again