Online Forum "Science" - Which leg your dick naturally rests on vs handedness
One time some dudes were talking about what side our dicks naturally sway to and which side we tuck our boners to.
We then discovered that we all put our dicks to the opposite side of our dominant hands, which is interesting.

I'm now curious if this holds true with a larger sample size.

So for those of you who identify as having a dick and/or balls:

What side does your dick sway to most of the time? and
What is your dominant hand?

Thanks for any input to help satisfy my curiosity about dicks

I'm a lefty but I've never really thought of that. But I guess its tucked to the opposite for convenience. Like how swordsmen mostly had their sheaths/scabbards on the hips opposite of their dominant side. When the time comes to draw your sword, its easier and more comfortable to do so when the weapon is tucked on the opposite side.

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Ya that makes total sense.

I still wonder tho if there's any weirdos out there who unsheathe their swords the opposite way

I'm right handed and mine usually swings to the left.

Yea I’m a righty too and it usually is on the left side