Online multiplayer fee for consoles
I'm curious to see what the overall opinion is for paying to play your games online now that all the home consoles are participating in this practice, and will likely continue to the next generation as well.
Personally I'm against it, as the services haven't been worth paying the extra fee to access a feature of a game I paid for on an internet connection I'm paying for. I cannot speak on the Microsoft end as I own a Switch, PS4, and PC, but the experiences for having to pay to play online haven't filled me with enough confidence to support the practice. So I've moved to PC for online play and cut connection on my consoles. Just sucks I had to say farewell to a lot of friends on PS & Switch.
Anyone else wanting to give their two cents on this? Are you against being charged for online multiplayer? Or is it just not that big a deal for you?

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I'm also against being charged.

there is no logical reason why they should charge more for online gaming, i pesonaly only play on pc and if i dont have to pay anything extra why should someone else just for buying game on another platform

V v v against it, just seems like there's some new subscription service every year

Against being charged. pc master race

It's extremely dumb. But I pay it so that I can play with friends. Thankfully cross-play is a thing now.

Its really dumb imo, it goes against the whole point of a console which is supposed to be a more affordable option than a pc

It seems like most people here agree that it's not worth it. I am also on that side. The pay and pay to play model is really geared towards exploiting those who play games with "infinite" replayability such as the multiplayer for cod as well as other games on console and it really shouldn't be implemented. It only serves to help further widen the gap between those at the top from everyone else just one of many straws on that camel's back.

I definitely don't like having to pay to play online but I do unfortunately.

I hate the concept of it, but in practicality as long as it doesn't break the bank ill probably end up paying for them, like the switch one