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(OnlyFans) Lady_in_the_streets
Lets see the pics

Keep it up !’!!

Hope this stays up!

Thank you! I'm very curious.

want to see this shit thx btw

Thanks mate

Great. Thanks!

thank you! if this is still up...

Thanks so much!

Miss her from Reddit. Thanks!

thanks heaps sir

thanks for this

Thank you. I’ve been missing this.

checking to see if its still working

Thanks, I was looking for this for a long time

Thank you and Happy New Year to all!

Do I need premium for this one

Thank you, much appreciated!

Great thanks

I'm surprised that "Karen" isn't a more popular porn category. Like, there's so much potential.
Karen: "Excuse me, but do you have this milk in a different size? I need 2 liters, but you guys only have 1 liter!"
Guy who looks really young, but trust me, he's an adult: "Umm... I'm not so sure, I'll have to check in the back."
Karen: "Ugh, hurry up then."
Guy goes in the back to look for the milk, but instead of looking for the milk, he peeks out the door to get short glimpses of Karen's milk jugs
Guy starts touching himself, eventually unzipping his pants to start stroking his meat
Camera pans to Karen's body, occasionally zooming in on Guy's face and pp, because fuck you
Karen, after busting through the door: "UHH HELLO? WHY ARE YOU TAKING SO LONG!?!?"
Guy, quickly grabbing a bag of frozen chicken nuggets to cover his junk: "Uhh ummm nothing! I'm just looking for your milk!"
Karen, while grabbing the back of nuggets: "THAT'S NOT MILK, THESE ARE NUGGETS YOU DUMBASS"
The guy does a death grip on the bag, desperately trying to hide his junk
Karen pulls it hard enough to break the guy's grip, exposing his hard cock
Karen does that trademark Brazzers shocked face. You know, the one everyone makes on PornHub ads. You know what the fuck I'm talking about
Karen: "What the fuck???"
The guy: "No no no, it's not what it looks like! Please don't call my manager!"
Karen walks away, but slips, and the guys penis magically slips inside of her
They start fucking
The porn ends with the manager walking in and saying "What the fuck???"

It’s pretty good it’s pretty much it’s good it’s

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