Opinion on resident evil village
Hey, I was wondering how you guy feel on capcom kinda straying away from horror and more into action with their new game village. I personally wished they focused more on the horror since that’s kinda the point of their resident evil series.
Let me know how you feel

I haven't played a resident evil game in years. Might actually give this one a try.

I think 8/10

It’s good, the cast is actually interesting and gameplay is fun. But I get easily scared so maybe not the most unbiased lol

Its a pretty good game

i realy want it, waiting 4 crak

resident evil wasn't horror since resident evil 4 and returned to it with re7 lmao idk what are you talking about

Good game,recommend

Oh I assure you, there's a section in the game that is purely horrifying (kind of like Outlast). Don't want to spoil anything, but it's incredibly well done.

It takes a lot of inspiration from some of the older games while still bringing something new to the table. I would say it's a great game overall, a lot of people just went into it expecting something else.