Overwatch Overrated?
So I just played Overwatch for a pretty long time,
and Im having fun, but all my friends say its for Dummies and Kiddies.
Do you guys agree? 

What do yáll think about Overwatch? Blush

its ok but 4 kids

[+] 1 user Likes rburns1's post
had fun at launch but blizzard don't know how to manage a game

İt has lost his prime and now its just unplable

[+] 1 user Likes emavy2's post
blizzard u know

I like overwatch, for me its never been a serious, competitive game but it's good for a bit of fun

my favourite game for sure

very expensive

A fucking good game i played it again today, just the rank are broken im master on my smurf and plat on my main acc wtf

not as good as it once was, I prefer to play cs these days

Yeah it’s pretty overrated