Pass the torch
The premise of this game is to ask a question, or a statement, or whatever, and the person directly under you would have to answer the question. Since I'm OP, I'll start first.

What is one thing you wish you had right now but it would be too much of a nuisance for you to get it?

Remember, the person UNDER will have to answer the question.

So person under me, answer the question in bold. You also get to ask a question for the person below you.

A house... Anything with commitment.  I was trying to avoid having a GF but I kinda fell into it.  I love the idea of having a house/home, all day I think about how I would have it and things I want to have.  Just having my own stuff.  I dont get to own anything because Its hard to carry around.  Longest Ive stayed ina place is 1 year.  Im living out a hotel right now so Im thinking about that more than ever lol.

Who are you in the world and what brings you here(the corners of the internet)?  Bored teenager exploring the internet, 30 year old still at parents w freetime, married and avoiding the family.  Ive kinda wondered, because Ive only found the internet like 5 months ago, I stopped working and was bored.

Right now is the perfect, and imperfect market for buying a house. The rates are extremely low, but that's what hikes up the prices for houses, but it's really good if you're in the market to shop.

Your question is really solid, if you're talking about the internet then I've been on the internet for years. If you're talking about this forum, then, it's because I wanted to find someone that I found awhile back, but then started to read about the leakers here, and finally just got stuck here I suppose. I know it's a cryptic answer, but it's the internet after all, I only started sifting through the forum in April, and had to read an absurd amount of threads, etc to understand how the system works. Right now I have a pretty good handle on it, but it really took a low time. I thought this forum was post a comment > see leaks, but I was extremely wrong. Most of the people I consider friends are from the internet.

Okay, my question again!

If you realized you have thirty (30) days to live, what would you do from day 1, to day 30? Consider your bank funds, anything you can liquidate, and any stock holdings you may have, as well as your job, etc. What would you do?

Get my affairs in order, get my will written, start handing things out to family and friends before my death, so that there's no bickering or fighting after I'm gone.  The day before I am to pass, go have fun with everyone I know, especially family, and then the same the day I pass.

Question for others: Would you be willing to give up porn and masturbation if it meant that you would marry the woman of your dreams, and that you two would have a long and happy and fulfilling marriage, including kids (if you want them), and the prosperity to live comfortably, and train your children correctly?

Yes, personally I find porn and masturbation to be directly proportional to how few social interactions I have so theoretically having constant social interaction should make it easier. Making someone I care about deeply happy would also be a great motivator to avoid porn and masturbation as well.

Question for the next person: You won an all expense paid vacation to anywhere in the world for 2 weeks on June 1st 2022 where do you go and why there.

I'm really glad that this thread took off.

All expense paid vacation to anywhere, I'm going to loop hole this and saw if I can travel within the confines, then, probably all over Asia, since it's two weeks I can land in Thailand, and then travel to Singapore, and Malaysia before going to Taiwan, now that I think of it:

I have 14 days, June is probably going to be hot as hell but this'd be worth it.

Land in Thailand (Bangkok) - spend two days here.
Travel to Vietnam for a day.
Travel to Singapore - spend two days here.
Travel to Malaysia - spend a day here.
Fly to Taiwan - spend two days here.
Fly to South Korea - spend three days here.
Fly to Japan for the remainder of my days.

I'm all about thinking about the food adventure. It's a lot, a LOT of traveling, but it'd be fun. I don't have any alternatives, unless it's sitting on a beach for two weeks. Could turn out mildly boring, of course.

Question for the next person:

You are to lose a small portion of yourself for a portion of money that starts at $2, for example, an eye, and then the next day, a finger, but with each portion that you lose, the amount of money you get is exponentially increased. For instance:

You first lose an eye: $2
You then lose your index finger: $4
You then lose your right toe: $8

You don't have a say of when to stop, but what would you give up first for $2? I'd lose a finger. What are the first couple of parts you're willing to lose, up to the very last parts? (Organs/skins/nails, etc don't count) You don't have to go into crazy detail, but a general idea.

Quote: You are to lose a small portion of yourself for a portion of money that starts at $2, for example, an eye, and then the next day, a finger, but with each portion that you lose, the amount of money you get is exponentially increased. For instance:

You first lose an eye: $2
You then lose your index finger: $4
You then lose your right toe: $8

You don't have a say of when to stop, but what would you give up first for $2? I'd lose a finger. What are the first couple of parts you're willing to lose, up to the very last parts? (Organs/skins/nails, etc don't count) You don't have to go into crazy detail, but a general idea.

Totally would not do this. Not at all. Unless the tech for us has been re-discovered to be able to grow back the parts we've lost, no amount of money is worth it to lose any body parts at all. I'd rather lose the potential exponential amounts of money than a body part.

Question for the next person:
Assume you're happily married to a great woman, but she's not the soulmate that you once found, because that soulmate walked away from you. Would you rather stay happily married, or would you rather go back in time, and try and salvage things with the former soulmate?

The funny thing about that question is that I'm living it in real life. So in my honest answer, I would stay happily married. Due to the fact that, for someone to walk away, was it really a soulmate? Yeah, the person now may not have the same attributes as the one before, but they're here now. Plus, I've built myself into a better gentleman than ever before with decent money behind me to fuel my ambitions.

Question: If you're into crypto, how much money would you try to obtain before you decide to pull out? What would you do with the money?

Please pass the milk please