Perception is Reality
Maybe (or maybe not) you have at one point in time come across this phrase or an example of it in your life. It would take me lifetimes to list examples of it but it boils down to the concept that you control your reality. How you perceive events in your life will shape your life. If your perception of life is negative then that is how you will experience it. If you envision failure then you will have it. The mind is the most powerful tool in your arsenal, it literally controls your world. You need to be in control of your mind and not let it control you. You are not stuck, you are not hopeless, you are not helpless. So long as you can think, you can thrive.

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This sounds like "The Secret". I thought the concept seemed really woo-woo when I first heard about the law of attraction, but now I think it makes a lot of sense. Even if it isn't true, I find that your frame of mind is often more important than what is actually going on around you. Positivity is such an important element in life!

I've been told that this very saying is why cops have a bitch of a time interviewing witnesses. Their perceptions alter the reality they saw, so the cops get to put the puzzle together, in hopes that someone had a camera that actually filmed it.

Of course our mental state can reflect our will and vice-versa, a pure lack of serotonin lets one feel empty and depressed, whatever their view on it is. Depression can be made less sucky by some techniques, but reality can not be controlled, only some tinted glasses can be applied.