Physical vs Digital Media
Do you guys still prefer having physical copies of games, cds/records, movies etc or do you prefer having digital collections more now? 

I've noticed i've become a minority with wanting physical copies it seems

Physical copies are nice but I just get caught with wanting the convenience of digits

Do you want to declutter? If so, digital. Minimalist.

I Have tons of dvds and records. I like to have something i can display and/or hold in my hands and look at.


I don't even have a DVD or Blu-ray reader in my PC. Not having clutter of boxes and crap on my shelf is also good.

I'd rather have physical media. Physical media doesn't disappear when hard drives die, power surges happen, or when certain (((companies))) decide that you don't need that data anymore. (I'm looking at you, Amazon.) It does take up space, but physical media isn't going to disappear on you like digital media can.

physical all the way because when servers do gown that means games might go down too

Physical all the way. if i buy something i want to have the feeling that i actually own it. I dont get that feeling when buying digital.

digital = less space

Digital is less space and waste