Anyone have any decent podcast recommendations... something different.. history maybe ?

There's like a million hours of Dan Carlin's hardcore history.

Already listened

Hardcore History
Stuff you should know

[+] 1 user Likes jonsnow.92's post
listen to no chaser podcast

In Our Time - BBC. Very diverse topics - very insightful too.

[+] 1 user Likes Bovary's post
Ditto to in our time

I am currently listening to the simply scary podcast it is about scary stories if you like horror you will like it

just posting to get updates on this thread. really in need of new suggestions now that i'm on work from home basis.

Atm I’m currently having a binge of mission log... a ds9 podcast

Reply All. Tech based podcast. I'd recommend Long Distance 1&2 and The Case of the Missing Hit to start with