Position of the USA in the world
My question to you would be, do you believe that USA stands for democracy in the world, or the only think about their own interes? I think that the second option is true, and that they like to be in the every part of the world to ensure their own interes. Tell me your thoughts?

I think it is for their own interests. They are in asia because they don't want China to dominate the area. They want influence all around the world.

Everyone in power wants to consolidate their own power. Why would anyone in a position of power want to lose power?

I doubt anywhere significant, however it is still looked up as the beacon of western civilization, but recent events are defnitely not in favour of it

With Biden I think they are aiming at making the world more globalized. Trying to influence EU and mass immigration. When we aren’t a nation of our own people anymore we can go toward a globalized union.

Definitely not number one, more like number 186