Prime Day is coming: what are you all gawking at?
There's a long laundry list of things to look at, buy? That's a whole different story. 

What are you looking to buy?

I'm waiting to see what they have to sell. The stuff on my watch list never goes on sale, but there are things that they do sell on that day that I'll jump on because they'll fill a purpose down the road. Also a good time for Christmas shopping if you buy for family, especially kids.

Ready for the impulse lightning sales

Hopefully? Nothing.

Probably? Lots of things.

Agree with Pengu1no, hopefully nothing but it is all ways a lot

Impulse buys are the best buys...

Another watch may be.

Nothing much here

I've looked at what's available already, unless you impulse buy, it's mostly meh.

I'm waiting to see what they have to sell Tongue

New PC monitor. Been dying to get a 144hz monitor. I want a curved one, but I can't justify the price difference between a good flat 144hz 4k and a curved that has the same image sharpness.