Procrastination during pandemic period
So ever since the pandemic started, everyone's being forced at home and we can't go out to do our thing. But the problem is some of us, including me, are quite easily distracted at home by alot of stuff like social media, watching movie series on netflix, etc. In the end we realise nothing productive gets done at home and we feel frustrated.
Anyone's got tips on how not to be distracted and actually focus on completing tasks for work/school?  Confused

Personally try to separate my work space from my living space so that I get into the habit of doing certain actions in certain places

[+] 1 user Likes ashclutch's post
Try to write what do you want to do today, tommorow or next week!! Be easy with yourself, try to put like 1 or 2 things very important for u Smile each day or weeks
It helps me to remember what I had to do and to put me in front of my problems.

Good luck bro !

[+] 1 user Likes healcomini's post
try getting done one or 2 important things before lunch, right from waking up dont do anything thats not a priority until a specified time

[+] 1 user Likes kaxoyo's post
Schedule! Assign yourself blocks of time. Helps a ton. Schedule time for play as well!

[+] 1 user Likes fredfredmonkey's post
Follow your morning routine that you usually would, and separate your workspace from your living space. Consider leaving your phone in another room and installing website blockers in your browser.

This is Very common during this time, and it happens to me too.

I have to literally put my phone away from me when I want to work.

Make set schedules and try to follow it. No browsing or phone during your schedules. It's tough but if you really want to change you must do it.

Read this blog post on procrastination:

RE: Procrastination during pandemic period.

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[+] 1 user Likes souton44's post
I really recommend setting up a list and make scheduled breaks, thats how I do it and thats how I get myself to do stuff I dont like.

[+] 1 user Likes lowkeyst00pid's post
Wow thanks for the advice guys! Really appreciate it  Smile

[+] 1 user Likes xUnknownstY0u's post
lots of lists and lots of stimulant coffee

i just think about how great of an opportunity this is, like really when will you ever have as much free time as right now? you'd better not waste it by procrastinating. Pick up a hobby, or use this time to do something productive.

Every morning, plan what you hope to finish/accomplish for the day. Push yourself to complete these tasks during the day (motivate yourself with small rewards like gaming time or snacks break). At night, reflect on the day what went well and what could you have done better. Learn from those mistakes and improve your time management in subsequent days.weeks.months