Programming without math?
Im Bad with Math but want to learning programming to easier my life with some algorithms which I need and which I cannot find on internet sometimes. Is it possible to learn it? Or should I get some ground knowledge of math first?

Depends on your situation and what the algorithms are, but you don't need to know math to get started with programming. Some algoritms may require a lot of math knowledge to understand though.

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Had a really low score in school in math all my life.

You'll need a bit of math but it'll always be applied math in a way, calculate some coordinate when dealing with scrolling on a webpage / mobile app for example.

It all depends on what you want to do actually but there's a lot of IT work where you just don't really need math or really applied / simple math

As others have commented, no you dont have to be good at math to learn programming. Is it a bonus to be good a math? yes definitely, but as the others are saying some programming projects need math calculations etc. which then will require some math knowledge.

Aboslutely don't need math to program!

One key point that isn't reflected in the other comments -- People often think you need to do complicated math for computer science, but you really don't for the vast majority of projects (eg outside ML, graphics, etc). However, programming relies very very heavily on logical reasoning skills, which are the core thing in math and why people often struggle with math. So if anyone ever finds that they have trouble with programming, it's worth studying logic. I took several classes on this and it provides a major benefit.