Python vs. R
For data vis, which would you choose to learn/use?

python is more general and useful, R is more specialized for its statistical packages

I prefer Python because it has NumPy which makes it much faster than R when it comes to matrices

Is it worth learning Python or R to advance your career?

I'm a data analyst and I only know SQL.

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Depends on what kind of data vis, but usually you can do it faster and easier in R

I've heard of many industries using Python. I've only seen R used in more statistics/math-based organisations.

Would probably learn Python. Using R is a pain in the ass for everything that isn't statistical related. For quick visuals, it can be easily done in Tableau or POWER BI.

R is very specific to data processing. Python is a general language that you can use to do pretty much anything.

R for stats, Python for everything else

I'm not in stats at all, which is where R is really popular. Python can do anything from small stuff to productive products though.

I prefer python, its more versatile

i would use python, more support, more tutorials and the most people have problems with maths

python actually has a good collection of packages for data visualization and also has pandas for dataframes so that's what I would suggest. If you need more specialized statistical models then R is probably better.

R is better if you are a statistician, as it was designed primarily for that. For everyone else, learning Python has the added advantage of knowing a general purpose language that you can use for other projects

I only use R for data vis and statistical analysis (plus the graphics look nice and are deck-ready)