Quarantine projects
Has anyone worked on any DIY or creative projects during the COVID quarantine? I refinished an old, beat up coffee table. It seems like a lot of people have taken the extra time at home to work on something creative.

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gardening has become ultra popular recently because of how easy it is to get started

making your own bread is something a ton of people did

Well I started to cook a lot more and now I'm hella into it.

I'm learning how to use FL studio and other music programs. Wanna try making good music with that someday

Sweep picking! Couldn't do it before and now I'm only slightly less worse at it, but it's nice to have a concrete goal and "get a little extra time" to work on it.

A fun one if you're into fighting games is a diy arcade stick. You can buy the buttons on eBay for about 20 bucks and can make it out of cardboard or an old plastic shoebox.

woodworking is a good distraction

I have been developing my cooking skills more. I was already good, but now I’m feeling like I can make almost anything and it’ll taste amazing.

Been making a crappy shooter game in unity over the past few weeks.