R. Kelly & exploitation/abuse of children
Looks like the jury is deliberating... he faces charges relating to the alleged sexual exploitation and physical abuse of children....he got off once and just seems to have kept rolling with it...

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
He's had a thing for underage girls since he got famous. Unfortunately, a lot of celebs, no matter the industry, have this same thing. This is a rabbit hole and not a pretty one, and it's a branch of the same tree that Pizzagate came from. Hollywood and Pizzagate are cousins, so to speak. If you go down this rabbit hole, prepare to get sick.

And R. Kelly is being thrown under the bus to protect others above him. Same thing as the Penn State scandal and Joe Paterno a couple years back. Those in power are cruel, cruel people.

Do you have some ideas of who is being protected...

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
guy is a complete c**t, deserves to go down

Wow...just found guilty....will probably appeal tho...

I don't know who R. Kelly's handler is, but they're probably pissed off at him, and ok with him getting it. Fifteen years ago, one of his sex vids with a 14 yo chick was openly posted to the Internet. Everyone downloaded it, and back then, the Feds didn't give a fuck. But it showed that R. Kelly is sloppy at keeping shit quiet. It's like a dope dealer using the very dope he sells.

So R. Kelly got caught organizing a ring for sexually exploiting underage girls. He was trafficking girls for a certain group of people. Find that group of people, and then you'll find out who is above R. Kelly. But be warned: once you get to the next level, you'll find that the sexual exploitation is... bad. And the further you go up the chain, Pizzagate will pale in comparison.

Weird that there is not yet any talk of the people he organized for...did get a racketeering charge, which implies they are working on something with an organized group...

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
>Weird that there is not yet any talk of the people he organized for...did get a racketeering charge, which implies they are working on something with an organized group...
Because the authorities
a. Don't want to tip off any of the guilty that they're being investigated.
b. Don't want any witnesses to get Arkancided or suicided with four bullets to the back of their head with their hands tied behind their back.
Right now, R. Kelly is falling on his sword for whoever he works for in the trafficking world. If he ratted them out, and that got out, his would most likely be tortured to death. And I'm not kidding on that. He's convicted and will go to prison to cover for whoever he's covering for. He might make a deal after conviction and sentencing to rat people out. That would be what's right, but that's also a guaranteed death sentence from whoever he works for.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Intense...he looks screwed either way, because people in prison don't apparently take to kindly to all that...that might be a fake thing that people say, tho

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
>Intense...he looks screwed either way, because people in prison don't apparently take to kindly to all that...that might be a fake thing that people say, tho
Not entirely. If he grovels to his handler, then his masters might get him an easy sentence, or make sure his sentence is reversed on appeal.
And yes, that is a real thing in prison. I've heard stories from those who did hard time that that's real. And when they find out the prisoner is a chester, he'll get raped and beaten before he's killed. And the guards generally "don't notice". At some prisons, they actually have to have separate yards and housing for both rapists and chesters, to keep the rapists and chesters alive. Ex-cops also get to be housed with the rapists and the chesters for the same reason.

Screw those who post illicit pictures of underaged its really not good

>Screw those who post illicit pictures of underaged its really not good
R. Kelly got away with uploading his videos of him banging a 14 year old to the Internet, and no one did anything about it.

I remember hearing about it and just thinking his lawyers were incredible

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
>I remember hearing about it and just thinking his lawyers were incredible
They weren't that good since he was found guilty. But I don't know how much money changed hands during the trial, and how much blackmail was used to get things as they are.