RPGs without griding
Does anyone know some rpgs without grinding? Or at least ones that you don't have to spend 3 hours grinding just to progress into the story?

That's a kinda hard thing to find, most RPGS have level systems, which require grinding a bit, The ones with less grinding thatn most i've seen, are Tales of Berseria, and God eater 3, i'd make an argument for FFXV with how easy it is to abuse the xp system, like at some point of the story you can jump to lvl 99 in mere hours.

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FF14 have a good history, and doing content you get the endgame sets you need, not a real grind, quests take you into the endgame.

I dunno if thats a RPG but you can try "Dungeon Defenders II",
pretty fun and for-free at Steam!
Enjoy xD

I am also not quite so sure what you mean with rpgs, but i enjoyed the ori games a lot.
They progress very quickly and while you have the ability to grind for 100% unlocks in everything the game is super fun without it.

kingdom of amalur

What are some games you enjoy so we can make similar recommendations?

If you play fire emblem on easy or normal it doesn’t require to much grind

what kind of RPGs? A lot of RPGs doesn't require much grind if you know what you're doing, unless you're a completionist.

like others have said, I'd say FF14 is the least "grindy" I could think of, but it depends on what kind of grind you are wanting to avoid, because all games are going to have a grind of some kind or another.

I feel like trying to find an RPG without grinding is impossible since the whole point of an RPG is to get xp and gold to make your character better

new vegas is perfect for that