Recommend a VR headset
I have a mid-range gaming laptop, but i really want to get into VR.  Anything worthwhile out there, or is it smarter to wait?

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Never smart to wait for tech. It is always updating, so just jump in. Can always resell when a better model comes along

oculous rift go hard or go home

I would upgrade the laptop first and then try to get the oculous rift.

You can get a pretty good experience with WMR headsets like the Samsung Odyssey+.

WMR are good option they are cheap and they do track inside out so no hassle to place the sensor in the room and it's pretty portable as you only have to set it and you are good to go (takes about 5 min) like bringing s console time sometimes home

I have the oculous rift, it's good but I feel I don't use it much anymore

Anyone have any experience with the Huawei VR headset? supposedly really popular in china

I'm a proud owner of the first HTC Vive and I can recommend it for a medium rig. Not the best quality but not sure how well something like a steamlink and such would run. And try to avoid oculus, for now atleast. With experience with both oculus and htc vive, the vive generally has better support in my opinion, but the best by far that i've tried is the steamlink. The link feels kinda limited but nothing beats the smoothness and the framerate. And to be able to play for longer periods, framerate is everything.

billyblanks69 Wrote:I have a mid-range gaming laptop, but i really want to get into VR.  Anything worthwhile out there, or is it smarter to wait?
If you are ready to purchase one right now, oculus VR are good. I've got one and i've got the star wars game and it is amazing. The graphics are really good and its always fun to try something different haha

htc vive it's optimised with all games and works great

The Samsung Odyssey is decent if you can find it for around 200 as it has been on a few sales recently

I realy like my Oculus quest

If your patient wait to get a better laptop or pc while waiting for new tech, 2020 is gonna be big for vr.
If your inpatient buy a Windows mixed reality headset, it doesn't have room-scale tracking but it's a great option for getting into vr on a budget.
Also you don't need to have the best pc to play some of the most popular vr games like Pavlov, hot dogs horse shoes and hand grenades, they run piss easy on any system.

Oculus for sure

Heard oculus rift was good

I'd say wait till you can upgrade, and then I'd recommend HTC Vive with a full body tracking setup.

I think you are better off waiting for a higher resolution screen.