Robinhood ban
Do you think robinhood banning users to buy GameStop is ethical?? Reminds me of the ban on trump

As far from ethical as you can get. Hedgefunds finally get their own medicine

There's a class action now against the favoritism showed by the app.

Yeah... aside from any unforeseen consequences, I am REALLY enjoying seeing the wall st folks sweat, FOR ONCE.

cant wait for the stock go crash once again.... it's coming soon i can just see it

Very unethical. Wall Street continuing to show that they're only there to screw people out of their money.

Far from ethical... But not surprised one bit they'd go that route.

Now of course it's not ethical, but this is the power of Wall Street when their interests are threatened they can pull out all the stops they want, because they own most if not all the politicians, and media that would otherwise be trying to bring their corruption to light

Definitely not, its really unfair.