Scary movie recommendations?
I've never been into horror flicks or scary movies of any kind until recently. My interest in them has been peaked since I started enjoying a game called Dead by Daylight and would like some movie recommendations to get me started

The conjuring series is p good

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Showgirls. You'll never want to see naked women again.

Horror/comedy the cabin in the woods is a pretty fun watch.

I second the Conjuring recommendation.

Also, one of my favorites, The VVitch. More of a slow burn/psychological horror than a jump-scare/gory type of horror, so it's not for everyone, but it's so good.

SINISTER on netflix

and follow "foundflix" on youtube. Dude only exclusively talks about horror / weird / offbeat movies

hereditary is the best modern horror, or you can go 90s slasher with the scream series