Social networks
What do you guys think about the power that social networks have these days? I think that it is too big, and that they litterally do not improve anybody's life. They are becoming so powerfull right now that they can shut you up if you don't agree with them. Imagine just how powerfull they will be in 20 years from now. Tell me your thoughts on that?

I think internet literacy is something that evolved as technology became more normalized. In the same way, I think there is an expected way of conduct on social media that will be figured out as it becomes more and more established.

I am trying to get off social networking as much as possible after realizing how consuming it was to my life and my peers.
Its kind of a sad thought when you realize most people are living their lives through social media trying to impress all these people on there

[+] 1 user Likes studiokingsize's post
Good for you, I think that we all should follow your example on this topic. I also don't understand why people are doing all of that to impress people that they don't even know. It's sad, but at the same time makes them very powerfull, too powerful to say the least.

They are starting to get too strong and big, I agree

I think theirs cenzorship is dangerous for our future

[+] 1 user Likes leakedok's post
It gets pretty scary when they have so much info about you

You can be as open minded or closed minded as you want. It can be an echo chamber of hate fueled racist nonsense or it can be quite enlightening. You can control a lot of what is out there and what you consume.