Something Dennis Rodman said in the Last Dance
He says that he would play the sport for free, but needed to be paid for the bullshit out there.

I think that quote is really interesting, becasue people often think it is easy being a sucesfull athlete, but dealing with the press and fans on daily basis must be terrible.

i'm sure dealing with the media/fans is more difficult if you're dennis rodman

I must have missed that part but it's not surprising. MJ pretty much said he retired the first time because he was tired of dealing with fans, media, etc.

That was before the internet is what it is now, social media, cell phones with cameras. It's hard to feel sorry for superstar athletes today making $40m+ a year in some cases, but I do actually feel bad that they can't go out in public without getting swarmed or having their picture taken by a bunch of losers with their iphones.

Hockey players in most US markets have it the best I'd say. Virtually no one recognizes them and they can actually live a 'normal' life in public while being rich as fuck haha.

Baseball players probably have it pretty good too. What do you guys think?

[+] 1 user Likes lions88's post
To add to lions88 point, I think NFL players have it pretty good if you're not a quarterback because no one recognizes someone's face since they all wear masks.

@OP Yeah, I think back in the day there was no social media so players and athletes weren't as accessible to the extent they are today. This made seeing and hearing stories about a certain player that much more magnified and Dennis living a lavish lifestyle didn't really help the cause. So when you hear the things that Dennis did, obviously you're going to get questions from media.

[+] 1 user Likes borderline232's post
I think that depends on the baseball player. Someone like A-Rod or Jeter will always be recognized. Comes with being pretty damn good at your job all those years (minus A-Rod, fuck that guy)