Soulsborne Franchise
I've been playing through the Soulsborne series recently. I tried Bloodborne years ago but could never get into it. Last year I decided to give the original Dark Souls ago and really enjoyed it. What is everyone's favorite Soulsborne game, and what builds do you go for? I currently just started Dark Souls 3

Dark souls three was my favorite of the souls series, bloodborne was my favorite from fromsoft, however as a beginner to soilsborne games I would recommend starting with one of the dark souls as bloodborne is a bit harder and more aggressive in my opinion, and if you start in dark souls the recommended beginner builds are strength/dex based

sekiro is just sooooo amazing

Dark Soul 3 for sure, I used to say that ds1 was the best in the souls saga but dark souls 3 surpasses it in all aspects it is literally perfect. Rn im doing a new game+ with a full dexterity, i thought it would be bad but its really good and funny to play

Dark Souls 1 for sure. That game just affected me emotionally so much more than the rest so I care for it very dearly. I always play pyromancy with dex at this point in the souls games. I just find it the most fun.