Space Force
What's your guys' opinion on the new Netflix series "Space Force"?  It's such a letdown for me so far.

Nothing too hilarious or fun. I'm glad its 30 min or else it would lose me. Almost done the season though - just a light watch

Does it get any better after the first episode?

I think everyone was expecting it to be like The Office since one of the US creators and Steve Carell were a big factor in it. The political jokes were 50/50 some stuck and some were an obvious take on things currently happening instead of trying to be its own thing and separated from the real world. I think it could’ve been funnier if it had its own fictional world lore *somewhat* similar to ours, but without direct correlations. Honestly hoping for a season 2 since it was left on a cliffhanger. I enjoyed the acting from everyone

I haven't made it very far yet, I thought it was funny every few minutes but it mostly felt like boring filler. I need to watch some more of it soon, I imagine it gets better once the premise is established

Maybe i should give it another chance

Bit of a letdown. There are a few good moments but I feel they could have done so much better with the concept and the cast

yeah did not like it at all

It's a bit too weird for me to enjoy. The episodes don't really go anywhere. I gave up on around episode 6 and had no drive to watch it again

It’s weird seeing Steve in another role but I liked it personally.

More like Space Farce amirte? But people forget that The Office (US) season 1 sucked. Bad. They re-did the chars for better.