Space travel
If we the capability to travel to another earth like planet would we see strange like alien creatures on that planet or normal creatures we have here on earth.

I think we would since there are billions upon billions of planets out there. There's gotta be at least one which has creatures on it

most likely "alien creatures" that don't resemble life as we mo it on earth.

There was a news regarding "Earth like" planet, but didn't report any life signs though

I think we would have to adjust what normal means in terms of the beings we'd find. Our limited understanding of not only living creatures but levels of sentience, inhibit our ability to comprehend what else is out there.

Why only the land that there is life? I believe there are others out there

We would definitely find other life but getting there is very difficult. The closest possibly inhabitable planet is 4 light years away

Inhabitable for us

i think we would be able to experience vast amounts of empty places

Probably, life is hard, but it usually finds a way

I’ve always thought for sure that there’s other similar life out there, but something that looks/communicates like humans just doesn’t seem like a realistic expectation.