Star Wars prequels
Are the Star Wars prequels seriously underrated? I saw them when I was a kid so I’m a little biased, but I think they’re way better than the reviews critics gave at the time. Palpatines grand plan is kinda genius and the lightsaber fights were brilliant

[+] 1 user Likes Rich2sam's post
Yes! They were exactly what they were supposed to be

As a casual Star Wars Fan It was good imo

As a casual Star Wars Fan It was good imo

[+] 1 user Likes warpedxddd's post
I personally loved the prequels

[+] 1 user Likes letsgod22's post
I like Dexter Jettser

I watched all the Star Wars in the Oder they were rearward and looking past the graphics of the times, I think they deserve a lot of praise, they starred a universe which is not easy!

[+] 1 user Likes ALA Kazam's post
It´s a pitty, that they used so much green screen scenes in these movies.. espacally in episode 3... the office of palpatine.. the graphics are so bad.. like a screenshot from sims 2..

I haven't seen it before. Would you recommend it?

i dunno, the old star wars series are really good, I never seen the new ones

I think attack of the clones is terrible and episode 1 añso (for the most part, except for maul), but revenge is great (even though its cheesy at times)

Kinda think they are underrated, suffering from the fact that everybody and their mom decide they were the devil incarnate (similarly to the new star wars), but I wouldn't say they are good.

I particularly don`t like them very much, not because they are bad but because they are boring. And honestly, the Anakin actor is bad at there, with some terrible lines that no excuse can excuse.

But then again, I am not a big Star Wars fan, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Better than the Disney sequels

I don’t get all the hate on them, I personally loved them more than the originals

impressive and fast paced action scenes were definitely at their peak in episode 2 and 3. otherwise the story, emotions, and storytelling of the prequels just don't quite compare to the sequels

Episode 1 was with annoying characters and unnecessary plot of pod-racing. It did give us Padme and her elaborate outfits and a good Jedi fight scene.

Episode 2 was cheesy all the way. Felt like Jedi are playing an inter-galactic space detectives. Nothing good until Yoda showed up with a light saber.

Episode 3 was tragic; everything was green screen. It gave us a lot of iconic scene like "Execute Order 66", or "I have the higher ground"

I grew up on the originals, so nothing can compare really! That being said, I enjoyed the prequels as they told the story of how the original trilogy came to be. Personally, I think Hayden did a great job portraying a tortured teen. They had to make the transition quick as a film is limited for time! If you watch all seasons of Clone Wars before rewatching Ep 3, it makes the story better imo.