Anyone spent any time on Subnautica?

Is one of the free PlayStation at Home games given away earlier this year. It’s a few years old but I’d heard good things about it and now I’m completely hooked.

It’s a survival mystery game with crafting and base building but all with some incredible underwater locations.

Is it that good? I've watched a few yt vids but somehow I just can't get into it...

i remember watching ths game a few years ago when it first came out.....finally it is here

Have a plan to buy on steam sale

Yeah I’m enjoying it a lot. Love that it kind of (literally) throws you in at the deep and and you have to figure out what you need in order to survive. There’s a lot to explore as well. I had no real interest in it, despite a friends recommendation, but since picking it up for free off PlayStation I’ve been pretty much hooked.

It's okay, it's just a different survival game with some nice elements and the underwater base building. In the very long run it becomes monotonous, like No Mans sky.

it's a pretty nice game, an extra bonus if you're into lovecraftian creature designs

I watched someone do a playthrough of it, and I liked it. Not my sort of game to play.

One of the best games out there kind of like Minecraft but underwater

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Yeah it’s a really fun game with I cool horror aspect which all the different types of sea creature in the game. Though it is hard to get into since your kinda just thrown into a large space. I’d suggest watching a video on it to get started. I’d also rely on google for help when it come to different materials

I’ve watched a lot of yt videos on it. Watching all the way through the story and I finally got into it but got bored after like 2 days.

One of the best game
Spend 100 hour’s

It's decent but the ocean terrifies me lmao

I remember freshly building my seamoth, not navigating correctly and ending up 1.2km away from the pod. Hearing that warning about "what im doing being really worth it?" combined with the seamoth having 10% energy left and looking down is just pitch black was the scariest sht i've ever experienced. Had to go home skimming through the surface in cold sweat praying nothing huge is right below me. If you like the sense of discovery, this game is magnificent.

Subnautica is beautiful, and an incredible game. My biggest recommendation if you play it is to not look up ANYTHING. The game is very good (imo) about nudging you in the right direction in terms of tech progression and story information. If you get stuck, just explore areas you can until you can find the tech you need to. And you don't want ANY story spoilers!

i played it about 2 years ago it was fun but its so scary