As we all know there are many cliché's and "obvious" answers when people are asked if they could have any super power what would they have. Now one superpower that I feel is very over looked is the ability to change colours. My idea behind this is that say for instance you somehow manage to get into a fight with superman, theoretically you could go *poof* and change his suit from his standard colours into kryptonite, thereforce disablining him and rendering him defenceless. There are most likely many other colours in different fictional universes you could use for your advantange and I wanted to know what do you think of this idea?

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This is literally copy pasted from Reddit lol.

I'd just go with the easy choice of omnipotence lol.

But if it had to be a traditional power, then probably controlling time.

I'd rather go with something else. Omnipotence would be too much to handle tbh. Probably go for something like teleportation or invisibility. Seems so much more fun to me.

I mean by having omnipotence the universe literally turns into your playground lol. You could even make a "sub-universe" where you exist with only those superpowers. And by having omnipotence, you have the power to handle it lol. There's literally nothing you can't do.

The ability to be undetectable. You could cause all sorts of chaos and never get caught.

I'm not sure changing colors allows you to change his suit to krptonite

Reality warping, gg y'all!

duplicate things you touch

being able to control time like freeze skip etc

I’d go time control. 

Or I have always had this weird fascination with being able to absorb knowledge like the matrix.

I'd probably go with the ability to create save points throughout life.

Want to shoot spaghetti out of my fingers

I would choose the power to manipulate all matter because it means I could do anything to anything

Being able to stop time would be nice. Just imagine how much more you could get done!

Bro I would just be thor